Counselling with Rosie

Newmarket, Suffolk

Sometimes in life people need some help from someone who is not involved, is impartial and not invested in any particular outcome to listen to their situation. With that help it is good for a person to discover for themselves who they really are and where they want to be going. It may be about doing nothing after looking at all the choices and how they feel about them.

About Counselling

Many people may find out they have not been properly listened to before or they feel that they have not been. Having someone to be fully present for you is often a new and reassuring experience and helps you to more fully listen to yourself and realise what it is that you really need out of life.

Sometimes it is of great benefit to have someone else there to help you simply take a step back and to look at your situation from a fresh perspective. You may then be surprised that where before you could only see the difficult problems, all of a sudden the solution is in fact very easy.

Alternatively, when a person comes with one issue in their life that they find difficult, they may realise, as we explore this in greater depth, that other more profound factors lay beneath the surface. Usually problems that a person encounters at any time, can be better understood when seen in the light of long-term and deeply established patterns that often go back to childhood. It is through observing that bigger picture and the client better understanding themselves in that way that they will be able to more effectively and happily deal with life. I work to help a person to release themselves from redundant habits or counterproductive belief systems, and to give themselves permission to be their authentic self.

My role as a counsellor is to create a mutually trusting relationship with the client and a space where they can feel safe for me to often to ask probing and challenging questions. In the course of counselling a client might become uncomfortable with feelings that come up, and may find themselves projecting a variety of emotions onto their counsellor. This is all a normal part of the counselling journey – which when recognised then allows greater scope to understand where those feelings have originated, and then be better able to resolve issues from there.

I most often find that six one hour sessions, once a week, is sufficient to resolve a problem. Sometimes one session is enough. However, more complex issues can take considerably longer to work through. It is wise for the client and myself to regularly assess how much progress we are making together and to discuss how we can achieve the best from the counselling, and mutually agree on how long we should continue.


I charge £60 for a full one hour session.

I do not turn anyone away because they cannot afford me, so I am always willing to a negotiate a concessionary price for clients who need this.


I maintain the highest standards of confidentiality. For as long as nothing that you tell me provides me with knowledge of any future danger to anyone, everything that you disclose to me will remain a total secret between us.

About me

Rosie Hitchins

I was a SRN with the NHS from 1969 to 1983.

After having benefited myself from Counselling with Relate, I became more interested in my own personal development and then from 1983 to 1987 attended a number of self-exploration workshops that drew on eastern philosophy as well as powerful western psychological techniques.

I then trained as a Relate Counsellor from 1987 to 1989 and worked for Relate for fifteen years. I also studied Adlerian Counselling with The Institute For Individual Psychology and Adlerian Counselling from 1988 to 1990.

In 1995 I studied Supervision of Counselling at The University of Cambridge. I have since worked privately as both a Counsellor and a Supervisor.

From 2009, I worked for Mind for a couple of years running groups for people coping with anxiety, anger or depression.

Over the years, I have also studied and been especially interested in the work of Carl Rogers, Irvin D. Yalom, Carl Jung and also Buddhist insights into the human condition. I thus heavily draw on their philosophy and techniques when working with my clients.


I am based in Newmarket, Suffolk.

if you have any questions of any kind about anything, or wish to book an appointment, please contact me by email here: or ring me on 01638 603286.


At present Covid is something of a concern, so we can either have a consultation over zoom or telephone, or we can meet in person, which is always my preference. In order for me to keep all my clients safe, should we meet face to face, we will each need to take a lateral flow test on the morning of the day we meet.

Newmarket room 2 chairs

©2021 Rosie Hitchins